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AF | BCMR | CY2013 | BC 2013 03939
Original file (BC 2013 03939.txt) Auto-classification: Denied






His home of record (HOR) be changed.


His would like his HOR to be reflected as Highlands Ranch, 
Colorado, rather than Colorado Springs, Colorado.

He provides no supporting documentation.

His complete submission is at Exhibit A.



The applicant’s DD Form 4/1, Enlistment/Reenlistment Document, 
reflects his HOR as Highlands Ranch, Douglas, Colorado.  

The remaining relevant facts pertaining to this application are 
contained in the letter prepared by the appropriate office of 
the Air Force, which is at Exhibit C.



AFRC/A1K recommends denial.  After a phone conversation with the 
applicant it was discovered that the applicant was asking for a 
residential address change rather than a HOR change and was 
directed to seek assistance from his servicing military 
personnel section to get his residential address changed.

The complete A1K evaluation is at Exhibit C.



A copy of the Air Force evaluation was forwarded to the 
applicant on 13 Jan 14 for review and comment within 30 days.  
As of this date, this office has received no response.



1.  The applicant has exhausted all remedies provided by 
existing law or regulations.

2.  The application was timely filed.

3.  Insufficient relevant evidence has been presented to 
demonstrate the existence of error or injustice.  We took notice 
of the applicant's complete submission in judging the merits of 
the case; however, we agree with the opinion and recommendation 
of the Air Force Reserve Command office of primary 
responsibility and adopt their rationale as the basis for our 
conclusion that the applicant has not been the victim of an 
error or injustice Therefore, in the absence of evidence to the 
contrary, we find no basis to recommend granting the relief 
sought in this application.

4.  The applicant's case is adequately documented and it has not 
been shown that a personal appearance with or without counsel 
will materially add to our understanding of the issue involved.  
Therefore, the request for a hearing is not favorably 



The applicant be notified that the evidence presented did not 
demonstrate the existence of material error or injustice; that 
the application was denied without a personal appearance; and 
that the application will only be reconsidered upon the 
submission of newly discovered relevant evidence not considered 
with this application.


The following members of the Board considered AFBCMR Docket 
Number BC-2013-03939 in Executive Session on 20 Mar 14, under 
the provisions of AFI 36-2603:

	, Panel Chair
	, Member
	, Member

The following documentary evidence for AFBCMR Docket Number BC-
2013-03939 was considered:

    Exhibit A.  DD Form 149, dated 14 Aug 13.
    Exhibit B.  Applicant's Master Personnel Records.
    Exhibit C.  Letter, AFRC/A1K, dated 5 Nov 13.
    Exhibit D.  Letter, SAF/MRBR, dated 13 Jan 14.

                                   Panel Chair

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